There are several ways you can contact Branch!
Before you reach out to support, have you tried searching for your question? We may have an article that can answer your question right away!
Live Chat Branch Support
For the quickest response, please open one of the links below on your mobile device to access live chat support.
Access Chat Support Now in the Branch Help Center
Click on the blue chat bubble button in the lower right corner of your screen for help right now!
Reach out directly through the Branch app
Visit the Support section from your Account tab to submit a ticket directly to Branch's Support team. Reaching out through the app ensures that your ticket gets to the correct team so that we can help you in the most timely manner.
Give us a call
Call Branch Support: 866-547-2413
Phone Support Hours:
- Days: Monday to Friday
- Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
Sign up through your employer?
Call the business-only phone number provided by your employer. This will ensure the quickest possible response.