If you received an account closure notice, your Branch account is scheduled to be closed within 30 days. Accounts that have been inactive for 3 years are automatically closed.
Account Limitations
During the 30-day timeframe, your in-app functionality will be limited to:
- Viewing account statements
- Confirming and updating personal information
- Moving funds off of the account
The following features will no longer be available:
- Your Branch card will be deactivated
- No new deposits, withdrawals, recurring payments, or inbound transfers will be processed
What Should I Do Next?
Although the closure process cannot be stopped, you still have the opportunity to transfer any remaining funds from your Branch Wallet to an external bank account or another supported method.
Once the account becomes permanently closed, you are welcome to sign up for Branch again using the information here: How do I Sign Up for Branch?
Still need help? For the quickest resolution, access one of the links below from your mobile device to engage in live chat support.