If you encounter any issues while trying to authenticate your external bank account through Plaid, or if your bank is not included in the list of supported banks, we have an alternative solution for you.
Establish a Connection with Account and Routing Numbers
To initiate a fund transfer from your Branch account, link an external bank account from the Move Funds menu. Follow these steps:
- Open the Branch app and go to the Wallet tab
- Locate the card displayed and tap the three dots beside it
- Select Move Funds
- Select Another bank and search for the name of your bank
- Enter your login credentials for your external bank
- If your authentication is unsuccessful or your bank is not available in Plaid, select Link with account numbers
- You will be prompted to provide the following details:
- Routing number
- Account number
- Personal or business account
- Your full name
- Account type (checking or savings)
- Tap Authorize to proceed
Important to Note:
- If the routing number you provide corresponds to a bank supported by Plaid, you will be redirected to enter your banking credentials as usual.
Account Verification via Micro Deposits
Once you complete the manual bank add process, the account will need to become verified.
To verify the account, two micro-deposits (credits of $0.99 or less) are made to your external bank account.
You'll be notified and instructed to enter the amounts of each deposit in the Branch app when the deposits appear on your external bank account. Please refer to your external bank's app for more information.
Important to Note: This is not an available feature for Essential accounts. For more information, please see: What can I do with an Essential account?
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